BGMI 5th Aniversary and 2.5 Update

What is BGMI?

BGMI stands for "Big Green Machine Inc." It's a company that makes machines and other things. The Big Green Machine Inc. has been around since 2012, when it was founded by two people named Thomas and Anthony. The first product they made was called the BGM1, which was an electric car that could go very fast but didn't have any doors or windows because it was just an idea at this point in time and nobody had thought about those things yet (they did later). Since then we've made many different types of machines 


A machine that turns water into ice cream! This is called an "Ice Cream Maker". It works by taking some milk out of your refrigerator and putting it into another container with sugar inside; then you turn on your Ice Cream Maker so all these ingredients mix together until they become delicious frozen treats like chocolate chip cookie dough or mint chocolate chip--it depends on what kind of mood you're in!
What's New in BGMI 2.5
In the 2.5 update, we've added some new features to make your experience even better.

You can now see a list of all of your past transactions in the "History" tab. This will help you keep track of how much money has been spent on each item and its current value so that you can make better decisions about what items should be sold or kept in storage.
We've made it easier to find and add friends by adding a new "Friends" section under "Account Settings." In addition, all players who have been invited by other players will automatically appear here once they sign up for BGMI 2nd Generation!
There are also some bug fixes: no more crashes when trying to buy an item with insufficient funds or sell an item without enough room available in storage space; no more errors when trying to send coins via mail; no more incorrect prices being displayed during auctions (thank goodness!).
BGMI 5th Anniversary Celebration
We're celebrating our 5th anniversary with a special offer and discount.
You can get up to 50% off all your favorite games, including the latest releases!
If you've been waiting for the perfect time to try out one of our games, this is it!
But that's not all--we've got more surprises in store for you during this special event!
What Users are Saying
User Reviews
Feedback on the Update
User-Submitted Stories


The BGMI 2.5 and 5th Anniversary Update is a great way for users to take advantage of the special offers and giveaways that are available until October 31st, 2019. If you haven't already updated your app, now is the time!

What's new in the update?

The main change is that we've removed the "Gold" currency from BGMI. Instead, you can now get gems by leveling up or buying them with real money. You can also exchange gems for gold at a rate of 1:10 (1 gem = 10 gold).

Why did you remove Gold?

We wanted to make it easier for players who don't want to spend money on our game but still want access to premium items like costumes and mounts. We also wanted players who do spend money on our game not feel pressured into spending more than they want just because they don't have enough gold stored up yet!
Troubleshooting Tips
If you're having trouble with the app, please try these 


Make sure your device is running Android 5.0 or higher. If not, you can download the BGMI 2.5 app from Google Play Store here:
Make sure that you have a working internet connection (WiFi or cellular data). If not, then make sure that "Mobile Data" is enabled on your device settings menu in order for BGMI 2.5 to work properly without WiFi access!


You can find more information about BGMI on the official website, which includes a list of all the resources available to you as a member.
You can also contact us directly at [email protected]

Background on BGMI

BGMI is a company that has been around for a while. They have been in business since 2017, and they were founded by two brothers who wanted to create a new way of doing business in the world. Their goal was to make sure that their customers were happy, so they decided to make sure that everyone who worked with them had access to healthcare and education as well as other benefits.
They've had some big milestones over the past few years: In 2019 they opened up their first office outside of America (in London), and then later that same year they opened up another office in Tokyo as well! Next year will be another big one for BGMI because it marks their fifth anniversary since starting out back when only one person worked there instead today where there are more than 100 employees worldwide including those working remotely from different countries around the globe like Australia or South Africa!


The BGMI 2.5 update is a huge milestone for us and we're excited to share it with you! We've been working hard on this update for over a year, so we hope that you enjoy what we have in store for you.
We've made some big changes to our platform:

You can now create custom classes on the fly by adding/removing students from existing classes (no more waiting until the end of term).
There are new tools to help teachers keep track of attendance and grades more easily than ever before.
Teachers now have access to their student's progress reports directly within the app itself--no need for an extra login anymore!


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